As a second step we plan to determine the response function to monoenergetic
lines in a special run with several pionic transitions in the energy region
of interest. These lines should not be influenced by strong interaction or broadening
by not resolved electron screening or any kind of Doppler effect. Therefore
only transitions of exotic atoms formed with monoatomic gases with
can be used. Those do not exhibit Coulomb explosion during their formation and
they have a high and well known degree of ionization at pressures below
Strong interaction broadening can be avoided for transitions high enough in
the cascade. A list of appropriate transitions also including non-monoatomic
gases is given in Table 9 for pionic atoms. Muonic atoms except muonic hydrogen
should not be considered because of the one order of magnitude lower stop rate.
It should be noted that the strong interaction
width is only of about
Molecular gases like
are included because at present
the line form of these atoms is being studied intensively and will be much better
known at the time of the proposal of this experiment.
is included as
it will be used in the form of
for which a small Coulomb explosion
[85] energy can be expected.
A dedicated run is foreseen with a special pion stop mode. In this
case the pion stop rate can be further optimized as the simultaneous measurement
of muonic transitions is not required. The expected rates for a mixed (target
are given in chapter 3.6. The numbers for independent single gas measurements
are a factor of 2 higher.