The pion-nucleon interaction has been subject both to experimental and theoretical studies since the very beginning of the development of particle physics. On the theoretical side the description of the pion-nucleon system with QCD is considered to be a fundamental issue in the development of this theory. The understanding of strong interaction in the confinement regime has advanced recently, as chiral perturbation theory was developed to perform calculations at low energies [1,2].
Its extension to heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory (HBCHPT)[3] allows to calculate many of the experimentally accessible processes in the meson nucleon sector. The check of the soundness of this approach requires high precision experiments. This resembles the situation in the development of QED during the last 50 years, where the measurement of the Lamb shift contributed much to the development of QED. In a comparable way the measurement of strong interaction shift and width in pionic hydrogen may be a key experiment in strong interaction physics at low energies.
Pionic hydrogen atoms are produced by stopping negatively charged pions
in hydrogen gas. At energies of some eV pions ionize the
hydrogen molecule and form an electromagnetically bound system, the so-called pionic hydrogen atom.
This atom is dominated by the electromagnetic interaction of its
constituents. Their strong interaction is only effective if the wave
functions of pions and the proton significantly overlap. In the ground
state it results in a broadening of and a shift of
, which has to be compared to an electromagnetic binding energy of
. The relations of the measured quantities to the hadronic scattering
describing the
and the
process, respectively, are given by the Deser-type
formulae [4,5]:
![]() |
(1) |
![]() |
(2) |
The relations of the measured quantities with the isospin separated scattering
lengths (isoscalar) and
(isovector) are given by:
![]() |
(3) |
![]() |
(4) |
The unique features in using exotic atoms should be recalled:
The shift and the width of the ground state in pionic hydrogen and deuterium have been determined in a series of experiments of the ETHZ-Neuchâtel-PSI collaboration by measuring the 3-1 transition at 2886 eV with a reflection type crystal spectrometer [10]. An array of 6 cylindrically bent quartz crystals had been used in order to increase the statistics of the experiment. The pions were stopped in a cryogenic target inside a superconducting magnet (cyclotron trap I) and the X-rays were detected with CCD detectors developed at the University of Neuchâtel.
The results improved the value for the strong interaction shift by almost two orders
of magnitude compared to earlier work.
In addition first results for the width of the ground state were obtained. The error in the
width, however, is still almost an order of magnitude bigger than the one in the shift.
This excludes the extraction of the isospin
separated scattering lengths with errors on the -level from the hydrogen
experiment alone.
The measurement can be useful, however, to put constraints on the
different work in phase shift analysis of the scattering experiments in the
pion nucleon system.
An illustration of the most recent evaluations for and
from atomic data as well as from scattering data is shown in Figure1.
The data from scattering experiments lead to the bands limited by
full lines. They have been obtained by critically investigating
the different cross sections for the
(proportional to
), and
(proportional to
) and charge exchange processes SCX (proportional to
and extrapolating them to zero energy [11]. All three bands from the different
linear combinations of
coincide in a narrow
region in the
plane with corresponding values of about
each with errors
of about
. As the three different constrains originate
from many different sets of experiments, the common intersection can be considered as a quite
impressive result. Some criticism was expressed, however, concerning the validity of the
model used [12].
It should be mentioned that earlier evaluations of
scattering data lead to quite different results [13,14]. Especially the value of
from the Karlsruhe-Helsinki evaluation with a value of
contradicts the
evaluation mentioned above
which assumes
The data from pionic atoms lead to the regions limited by the dashed lines. As stated before the large error
in the width measurement precludes an extraction of and
with sufficient
precision. Moreover the band resulting from the shift measurement alone is at variance with the
scattering data.
A recent evaluation of pionic deuterium shift data results in a a small overlapping area if
combined with the pionic hydrogen shift data [15]. The results in terms of scattering lengths are
. An
evaluation of the ETHZ-PSI-Neuchatel group using earlier theoretical input for
the evaluation of the deuterium data resulted in almost the same value for
but gave a somewhat
different value of
For sake of illustration the dot at
the early current algebra work of Weinberg and Tomozawa [18,19].
A recent HBCHPT calculation to third order expresses the two scattering lengths as a sum of directly
calculated values plus terms which are functions of low energy constants [20].
In an evaluation of the low energy constants different authors extract values
and between
A consistent set of experimental data is needed to fix the values for the low energy
constants and to check the predictive power of the theory.
A precise measurement of the width is important from a different viewpoint also: it determines the isovector scattering length directly from which a value of the pion nucleon coupling constant can be extracted via the Goldberger-Miyazawa-Oehme sum rule.
In conclusion it can be stated that the results from scattering data and atom experiments are still contradictory and therefore need further investigation. From the side of the atom experiments it should be clarified whether the shift and the width values of pionic hydrogen and deuterium are true strong interaction effects and are not spoiled by the interaction of the pionic atom with the surrounding molecules. In other words the shift and the width measurements for pionic hydrogen and deuterium should be extrapolated to zero pressure. In a second step state of the art electromagnetic corrections should be applied.