Next: Technical support
Up: Special requests from PSI.
Previous: Special requests from PSI.
The group at PSI would have to care about the following items in the preparatory
stage and during the experiment:
- infrastructure for the ECR test.
- setting up of the cyclotron trap for the ECR measurement.
- infrastructure of the pion/muon experiment.
- properly installed beam parameters for the pion/muon measurement.
- tuning of the cyclotron trap and its maintenance.
- organization of the shielding
- gas system.
The present number of PSI people is scarcely sufficient to fulfill all these
requirements in a proper way especially during the 3 run periods. Here we ask
for a substantial support to pay guest scientists of the order of 4 months per
year ( i.e. two guest scientists for a beam period of two months) over the running
time of the experiment ( 3-4 years) starting with the experiments with the ECR
source. This will help to have the specialists from smaller contributing partners
( Debrecen, Ioaninna, Leicester) available especially in the time 1-2 weeks
before the measuring time starts.
Pionic Hydrogen Collaboration