Pionic Hydrogen @ PSI  


Exotic Atoms

Mini Reviews

  • Atomic cascade (from PSI Proposal-98-01)
  • Pionic Hydrogen: Status and Outlook, D.F. Anagnostopoulos et al., HTML PostScript.

    The measurement of the strong interaction shift and width of the ground state in the pionic hydrogen atom determines two different linear combinations of the two isospin separated s-wave scattering lengths of the pion nucleon system. If both quantities are measured with a precision of about 1%, a stringent test of chiral perturbation theory and a determination of the pion nucleon coupling constant can be obtained. Past measurements determined the shift with an accuracy better than 1%, and the width with an accuracy of 9%. Additional information from pionic deuterium measurements has been used in order to extract isospin separated scattering lengths with sufficient accuracy. Future measurements plan to directly measure the width of pionic hydrogen with an accuracy on the level on 1%.

  • Cascade in Muonic and Pionic Atoms with Z=1, V.E. Markushin,   talk at ExAt-98 PostScript.

    Recent theoretical and experimental studies of the exotic atoms with Z=1 are reviewed. An interplay between the atomic internal and external degrees of freedom is essential for a good description of the atomic cascade. The perspective of ab initio cascade calculations is outlined.

  • Atomic Cascade and X-ray yields in light exotic atoms, V.E. Markushin,   talk at Hyp2000 (PostScript)

    The atomic cascades in $\mu^-p$, $\pi^-p$, and $K^-p$ have been studied in detail using a new Monte Carlo kinetics code. For the first time, a nuclear absorption in the atomic cascade was treated in a way fully consistent with the elastic scattering and Stark mixing processes. This allowed us to get rid of tuning parameters commonly used in earlier calculations. An interplay between the atomic internal and external degrees of freedom is shown to play an important role in the atomic cascade.


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Atomic Cascade

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